
During the last years, Swiss Travel has created a very successful Management Tourism Sustainability System within the company. Sustainability pillars such as environmental, economic and socio-cultural elements are controlled in every activity related to the corporation, its employees and individuals. All this efforts are implemented under the company’s Sustainability Policy:

“Our solid Sustainability Management supports us to emphasize the service that we provide to continuously improve customer satisfaction, while we comply with applicable legislation and prevent negative environmental and social impacts with social responsibility, contributing to the communities where we operate; thus achieving the economic success of our company.”.

Swiss Travel: Certifications and credentials

Being able to operate our business in a way that provides a solid foundation that will allow our country to remain as beautiful, breathtaking and attractive for future generations is one of our most valued objectives but also affecting as little as possible the environment and the communities involved. During the last few years, Swiss Travel has led a series of important environmental guidelines that have allowed our Corporation to obtain the coveted Certification for Touristic Sustainability (CST), which guarantees every single one of our visitors that all our activities are conducted in a responsible manner, with our country, our communities and its individuals.

We also promote sustainable practices from our business partners, expanding our efforts into a whole new dimension.